Política de envío


We value our customer and strive to provide the best quality, experience and savings. Every order is processed and handle as if it was our own. All products are packed and processed rigorously to ensure their safe arrival.

We ship using FedEx or USPS depending on the size of the order.

Shipping rates are based on weight and quantity 



Orders are shipped within 24-48 hrs. after receiving Monday to Friday. Orders are shipping from our warehouse in Los Angeles, CA and transit time will vary depending on the destination. We ship small packages via usps.com that provides a priority 2-3 business day delivery and tracking information. 



The following expedited shipping methods are available:

  • FedEx Express Standard Overnight (contiguous U.S. Only)
  • FedEx  Express To Day Air (contiguous U.S. Only)
  • FedEx Express Saver Three Day (contiguous U.S. Only)
  • USPS Priority Mail 2 to 3 Day (Continuous U.S. Only on small item purchases)


If an item needs to be returned, please email us at lulamayallc@gmail.com to obtain a Return Authorization (RMA) number. A copy of the purchase invoice must be included with all returns. The Return Authorization number (RMA) must be written in a visible location along with the customer's name, address and telephone number on each package. All Return Authorization numbers expired after 30 days of issued and cannot be extended. We recommend using a carrier that provides insurance and a tracking number.  Returns will not be accepted w/o a valid authorization number. All returns are subject to our warranty policy.



Delivery times vary depending on the destination. All orders are shipped from  our warehouse in Los Angeles, California.  Ground transit time is between 3 to 5 business days after processing unless expedited shipping is requested.